Alexandrie et les Villes Méditerranéennes

In 2017, the Marseille association Bokra Sawa, in partnership with the ElMadina, carried out the first project between Marseille and Alexandria on women and public spaces, then a second project on urban planning and the culture of these cities. Mediterranean (project between Alexandria, Marseille and Barcelona). These projects have been the subject of several meetings; meetings between young Alexandrian adults and other young people from different cities and cultures, but also meetings between different generations from the same country and a confrontation of ideas in the face of the several changes in our societies.

Through the collection of multiple audio and visual testimonies of the inhabitants of the cities carried out by our young participants, we will observe in this exhibition in Alexandria the different changes and similarities of this Euro-Mediterranean space. Not to mention the attraction of young citizens of the Mediterranean area with an open perspective to the world and knowledge of our cultures and human resources. With the project of “The Place of Women in the Public Space”, the association Bokra Sawa proposed a multimedia workshop based on the use of new media and digital tools in order to train young Alexandrian adults and Marseilles who are interested in the culture of their city and its sociological changes. Through photography and interviews, they were able to document in their own way the situation of women in two large Mediterranean cities of Marseille and Alexandria.

The “Sketch’m Up!” Aims to support the integration of young citizens in a cultural exchange by using the art of sketching and sound recording as tools to stimulate creativity and critical thinking so as to  to develop solutions of ideas based on the needs of young people in a urban multicultural context